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Professor Dermot Mc Aleese

Fellow Emeritus (Economics)
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Professor Dermot Mc Aleese

Fellow Emeritus (Economics)

Pro-Chancellor of the University of Dublin; Chairman, Advisory Board of The Institute for International Integration Studies, Trinity College Dublin; Associate Faculty, School of International Management, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, Paris; Associate Faculty, Irish Management Institute. Whately Professor of Political Economy, Trinity College Dublin 1979-2004; Dean, Faculty of Business Economic and Social Studies 1999-2004; Director, Central Bank of Ireland 1979-96; Chairperson, the Commission on Pensions in the Public Sector 1996-2001. Joined staff at Trinity in 1972. Previous employment: University of Ghana (1964-66), The Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin (1969-71). Visiting Professor at the University of Texas (1984),The World Bank, Washington DC (1987). President of the Irish Economic Association (1988-90); ; Chairman Economic and Social Reseach Institute 1988-91; President, The Statistical and Social Inquiry of Ireland 1995-98;
  Economics of public policy   External trade policy of EU   International business
The Economics of Global Competition: Implications for Business in, editor(s)R Galavan, J Murray and C Markides , Strategy, Innovation and Change: Challenges for Management, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, pp13 - 38, [Dermot McAleese and Gerard O'Brien], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Policy Objectives and Competitiveness for a Regional Economy in, editor(s)John O'Hagan and Carol Newman , Economy of Ireland: National and Sectoral Policy Issues, Dublin, Gill & Macmillan, 2008, pp29 - 59, [Dermot McAleese], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Dermot McAleese, Economics for Business: Competition, Macro-stability and Globalisation, Russian translation, Moscow, BENOM publishers, 2007, 695 pp, Book, PUBLISHED
"Trade Protectionism" in, R Robertson and J A Scholte , Encyclopedia of Globalization vol 1, London: Routledge, 2006, [Dermot McAleese], Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, PUBLISHED
Policy Objectives and Competitiveness for a Regional Economy in, editor(s)John O'Hagan and Carol Newman , Economy of Ireland: National and Sectoral Issues, Dublin, Gill & Macmillan, 2005, [Dermot McAleese], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Mc Aleese, D., Economics for Business, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall Financial Times, 2004, 1-620 pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Mc Aleese, D., From Lame Duck to Celtic Tiger, Etudes Irlandaises , 27, (1), 2002, p161-184 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Mc Aleese, D., Economics for Business , 2nd edition , Prentice Hall Financial Times, 2001, 1 - 648pp, Book, PUBLISHED
External Trade Policy in, editor(s)Ali El-Agraa , The European Union: Economics and Policies, London Financial Times, Prentice Hall , 2000, pp498 - 526 , [Mc Aleese, D. with Brulhart, M.], Notes: [()], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Institutional Support for Exporting: Issues and Evidence in, editor(s)A MacBean , Trade and Transition: Trade Promotion in Transitional Economies, London , Frank Cass , 2000, pp18 - 28, [Mc Aleese, D. with O'Donnell, M.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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Irish economic policy, European integration, Foreign Direct Investment