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Dr. Erna O'Connor

Asst Prof in Social Work/Fieldwork Co-Or (Sch Office - Social Work & Social Policy)
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Dr. Erna O'Connor

Asst Prof in Social Work/Fieldwork Co-Or (Sch Office - Social Work & Social Policy)

Dr Erna O Connor has worked as an Assistant Professor of Social Work and Practice Education Co-ordinator at the School of Social Work and Social Policy (SWSP), Trinity College, Dublin, since 2002. She was Director of the Master in Social Work programme from 2014-2020 and was the School of SWSP Director of Teaching & Learning Postgraduate from 2021-2023. Erna holds a Bachelor of Social Studies degree from Trinity College, a Master in Communication and Cultural Studies from Dublin City University and a PhD from Trinity College. She is a CORU registered Social Worker. As a Practice Education lead, across undergraduate and postgraduate CORU accredited social work programmes, Erna works at the interface of social work research, education and professional practice. She has developed partnerships with a wide range of statutory and community sector human service organisations in Ireland and internationally, to secure and support in excess of 180 assessed student placements each year. Erna is a founder member of the National Practice Teaching in Social Work Initiative (NPTSWI), an inter university collaboration, supported by the Irish Association of Social Workers and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) towards the expansion and development of social work practice teaching in Ireland. Erna has been a member of international, inter-disciplinary and inter-university research teams examining a range of issues in practice education including identification of the components of effective learning in practice; practice education during the Covid pandemic; issues in failed placements and practice teacher perspectives and motivation. This research has been published in international peer reviewed journals including Social Work Education, the Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning and Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning. In 2022 and 2023 Erna and her colleague Dr Sinéad Whiting were awarded National HSCP Office Prioritised HSCP Practice Education funding to establish and evaluate a pilot tutor-led placement programme in conjunction with the social work service at St. James's Hospital. Erna and Sinéad have also collaborated on the development of a Hybrid Placement Model, aligned to CORU proficiencies, which was widely used across social work placement providers as a response to the Covid pandemic. Prior to joining the university Erna worked as a social worker in drug treatment and HIV services and a senior social worker and acting principal social worker in hospital-based social work. Her PhD titled 'Relationship-based Social Work: A 'Thirdspace' in Responding to Trauma', was awarded by Trinity College in 2015. Adopting a Constructivist Grounded Theory approach, the study was based on practitioner research undertaken while working as a senior social worker in the emergency department of an acute adult hospital. Erna continues to work with frontline services as a volunteer with a national suicide prevention service and as a board member of a national organisation working towards the eradication of poverty through a human-rights approach. Her teaching and research interests reflect her focus on the intersection of social work education and practice and include practice teaching and learning, social work supervision, health-related social work, bereavement, trauma informed practice, poverty aware practice and reflective and relationship-based practice. Erna supervises Master and PhD students undertaking qualitative and mixed methods research in these areas.
  BEREAVEMENT   Bereavement Care   creative methodologies   Education and training   Human rights   Inclusive research   MIGRATION   Poverty & Social Exclusion   Reflective Practice   relationship-based practice   SOCIAL CONTEXT   SOCIAL EXCLUSION   Social Services Delivery   SOCIAL SUPPORT   Social Work   Social work/social work education   SOCIAL WORKERS   SOCIOECONOMIC INEQUALITIES   Sociological Theory   Training and Development
Details Date
Trinity College, School of SWSP representative on Editorial Board of All Ireland Social Work Educators and Researchers Forum textbook "Social work across the islands of Ireland:  Partnerships in research, practice and education" 2024 - Present
Board Member Whiting & Birch Journal of Practice Teaching & Learning 2024 - Present
Board Member ATD Ireland 2023 - Present
External Examiner, MSc Applied Professional Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Stirling, Scotland (2023-2027) 2023 -2027
Trinity College, School of SWSP Representative on the Inter University Social Work Education and Practice Teaching (SWEPT) Forum 2020 - Present
SWEPT representative on Tusla Working Group to develop a Tusla Practice Teaching module 2023-2024
Guest Co Editor, Journal of Practice Teaching & Learning, Ireland Special Issue (2023) 2022-2023
Founder member and Trinity College, School of SWSP Representative on the The National Practice Teaching in Social Work Initiative (NPTSWI), an inter university collaboration to resource and develop social work practice teaching, supported by the Irish Association of Social Workers and the the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY). 2020 - Present
Board Member of the Global Partnership for Transformative Social Work 2018 - Present
Volunteer (2008 - Present) & Deputy Director (Volunteer Ongoing Training) Dublin Samaritans (2016 -2019) 2008 - Present
Member of the Panel of Assessors (NQSWB) for the Advanced Diploma in fieldwork practice and supervision (social work) University College Cork. 2006
Beaumont Hospital representative on the steering committee of the National Critical Incident Stress Management Forum 1996 - 2002
Member of the National Critical Incident Stress Management Forum national conference committees 1996 - 2002
Irish delegate at EU conferences on psychosocial care in major emergencies 1996 and 2001
Chairperson of the management committee of the Coolock and Darndale Home Care Service 1998-1999
Member of IASW Medical Social Work Special Interest Group 1994-1995
Details Date From Date To
Irish Association of Social Work. 2007 To date.
Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT) 2010 Present
I am I and my circumstances : A Person - Situation Perspective in Responding to Trauma, Erin Segal, Chris Hoff & Julie Cho, An Encyclopedia of Radical Helping, 1st, Washington DC, Thick Press, 2024, [Erna O'Connor], Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, PUBLISHED
Whiting, S., Dorney, L., Rose, J., O'Connor, E., Slavin, P., Kelly, E., Melaugh, B., Feeney, B., National Practice Teaching in Social Work Initiative; a rare opportunity to shape the development of social work student placements and practice teaching in Ireland., Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 2023, Journal Article, APPROVED  DOI
O'Connor, E., Whiting, S., Mapping blended learning in social work practice education to national standards - a Hybrid Placement Model Teaching and Learning Resource, Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Quigley, Duana; Poole, Claire; Whiting, Sinead; O'Connor, Erna; Gleeson, Claire; Alpine, Lucy, University student experiences of work-based placements during COVID-19 pandemic: An inter-disciplinary survey of allied health and social work students., Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 13, (1), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
O'Connor, E., Roulston, A., Whiting, S., & Olusa, O.,, Editorial: Special Across Ireland Issue of the Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 20, (2), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Hayes, D., Roulston, A., O'Connor, E., & Shore, C. (2023). ,, Failing a social work practice placement: Differences between male and female students across Ireland., The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 20, (2), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Helen Cleak, Erna O'Connor, Audrey Roulston, Integrating relational knowing and structured learning in social work placements: a framework for learning in practice, Social Work Education, Online, 2022, p1 - 19, Notes: [DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2022.2075337 ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Audrey Roulston, Helen Cleak, David Hayes, Paula McFadden, Erna OConnor, and Caroline Shore. , To fail or not to fail: enhancing our understanding of reasons why social work students failed practice placements (2015-2019), Social Work Education , 2021, p1 - 17, Notes: [DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2021.1973991], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Social work mobility in Europe: a case study from Ireland in, editor(s)Allen Bartley and Liz Beddoe , Transnational Social Work Opportunities and challenges of a global profession., Great Britain, Policy Press, 2018, pp241 - 260, [Walsh, T, Wilson, G & O'Connor, E.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Psychosocial Aspects of Illness and Health: Challenges and Opportunities for Social Work in, editor(s)Christie, A., Featherstone, B., Quin, S., & Walsh, T. , Social Work in Ireland: Changes and Continuities, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, pp142 - 158, [O'Connor, E & Wilson, E.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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Murphy, N., Rose, J., Feeney, B., Melaugh., B., Kelly, E., O'Connor, E., Byrne-Cummins, J., Dorney, L., Slavin, P., Whiting, S., The Experience of Practice Teaching in Ireland, September 2022 - May 2023. DOI, NPTSWI, University College Cork., 2023, Report, PUBLISHED
O'Connor, E, The [Re]Turn to Relationship-based Social Work, The Irish Social Worker, 2017, p14 - 19, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
O'Connor, E., O'Driscoll, S., & Winston, A., Bereavement - When Someone Close Dies, Dublin: Department of Health, 2007, Report, PUBLISHED
O'Connor, E., New Approaches in Practice Teaching and Learning, 2006, Trinity College, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED
O'Connor, E., O'Driscoll, S., & Winston, A., Children and Bereavement, Palliative Care Today, Irish Supplement, 4, 1997, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
O'Connor, E., O'Driscoll, S., & Winston, A., When Someone Close Dies: A Handbook on Adult & Child Bereavement, Dublin, Department of Health, 1996, Book, PUBLISHED


Erna's research interests align with her experience working at the intersection of social work education and practice and include social work practice in health care; bereavement and trauma; reflective practice; relationship-based practice; supervision in social work and practice teaching and learning. Her research seeks to explore the perspectives of both service users and service providers, to understand the components and dynamics of responsive, effective practice in varying contexts. She has utilised a range of qualitative methodologies including Constructivist Grounded Theory and narrative approaches and has also undertaken mixed methods research. Erna has a particular interest in practitioner research and supervises 4 PhD students (1 of whom was awarded her PhD in 2021) who approach their research from this standpoint.