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Professor Alan Matthews

Fellow Emeritus (Economics)
Fellow Emeritus (International Integration Studies (IIIS))
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Professor Alan Matthews

Fellow Emeritus (Economics)


Fellow Emeritus (International Integration Studies (IIIS))

Alan Matthews is Professor of European Agricultural Policy in the Department of Economics at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. His major research interests are agricultural policy analysis, the impact of international trade on developing countries, and computable general equilibrium analysis of trade and agricultural policy reforms. He has previously worked as a consultant to the OECD, the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations and the UN Industrial Development Organisation, and has been a panel member in a number of WTO Dispute Settlement procedures.
  Agricultural Policy   Agricultural policy analysis   Common Agricultural Policy   External trade policy of EU   Trade Policy   World Trade Organisation   WTO trade negotiations
Project Title
 Impact of EU agricultural policy on poverty in Africa
This project is part of AgFoodTrade, an EU Seventh Framework Research Project. It uses an applied general equilibrium model to examine the household-level impacts of EU agricultural trade policy in two African case study countries.
Funding Agency
EU Seventh Framework Programme

Details Date From Date To
Executive Committee Member, European Association of Agricultural Economics. 1993 2002
Council Member and former President, Agricultural Economics Society of Ireland. 1991 Present
Member, Research Advisory Group, Trocaire (the Irish Catholic Agency for World Development). Chairman, 1986-92. 1984 2010
Executive Council Member, UK Agricultural Economics Society 2002 2005
President, European Association of Agricultural Economists 2011 2014
4. The political economy of food system transformation in the European Union in, editor(s)Resnick, D. and Swinnen, J. , Political Economy of Food System Transformation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023, pp310 - 337, [Alan Matthews, Jeroen Candel, Nel de Mûelenaere, Pauline Scheelbeek], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
European Agriculture and the Bioeconomy: A Historical Overview in, editor(s)Dries, L., Heijman, W., Jongeneel, R., Purnhagen, K., Wesseler, J. , EU Bioeconomy Economics and Policies: Volume I, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp19 - 36, [Alan Matthews and Kai Purnhagen], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Alan Matthews , How Ireland is facing the threat of a 'no-deal' Brexit, Eurochoices, 18, (2), 2019, p23 - 27, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Christilla Roederer_Rynning and Alan Matthews, What Common Agricultural Policy after Brexit?, Politics and Governance, 7, (3), 2019, p40 - 50, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
David Blandford and Alan Matthews, Agricultural Policy Expenditures in the European Union and the United States, Eurochoices, 18, (1), 2019, p40 - 41, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Alan Matthews, Europe's experience: investing in rural revitalization, Chapter 9 in Global Food Policy Report 2018, Washington, D.C., International Food Policy Research Institute, March, 2019, p78 - 85, Report, PUBLISHED
Alan Matthews, The CAP in the 2021-2027 MFF Negotiations, Intereconomics, 53, (6), 2018, p306 - 311, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Mottershead, D., K. Hart, A. Maréchal, S. Meredith, A. Lorant, F. Bas-Defossez, D. Baldock, J.-C. Bureau, and A. Matthews, Towards the CAP Post 2020 - Appraisal of the EC Communication on 'The Future of Food and Farming' of 29 November 2017, Brussels, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, 2018, p1 - 102, Report, PUBLISHED
Alan Matthews, The EU's Common Agricultural Policy Post 2020: Directions of Change and Potential Trade and Market Effects, Geneva, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, November, 2018, p1 - 50, Report, PUBLISHED
International assistance for developing countries to participate fully in the trade system in, editor(s)Meilke, K. and Josling, T. , International Trade Rules for Food and Agricultural Products, Singapore, World Scientific Publishing, 2017, pp337 - 363, [Diwaker Dixit, Alan Matthews], Notes: [Page numbers to be added], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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Alan Matthews, An ambitious CAP is needed to underpin the green transition, Recht der Landwirtschaft, 11/12, (75), 2023, p290 - 297, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Alan Matthews and David Blandford, EU and US Agricultural Policies: Commonalities and Contrasts, 18, (1), 2019, p4-10 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Alan Matthews and Rossella Soldi, Evaluation of the impact of the current CAP on the agriculture of developing countries, Brussels, European Committee of the Regions, September, 2019, 1-100, Report, PUBLISHED
Alan Matthews, The challenges of the next CAP: doing more with less, Agriregionieuropa, 13, (50), 2017, Notes: [Online journal], Journal Article, SUBMITTED
Alan Matthews, Research for AGRI Committee - Possible transitional arrangements related to agriculture in the light of the future EU - UK relationship: institutional issues, Brussels, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, October, 2017, 90pp, Report, PUBLISHED
Alan Matthews, Food safety regulation in TTIP: much ado about nothing? , European Journal of Risk Regulation , (2), 2016, p256 - 261, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Alan Matthews, The future of direct payments, in European Parliament, Research For AGRI Committee - Reflections On The Agricultural Challenges Post-2020 in the EU: Preparing the Next CAP Reform, IP/B/AGRI/CEI/2015-70/0/C5/SC1, Brussels, Directorate-General for Internal Policies, Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies, 2016, p3 - 86, Report, PUBLISHED
Europe's experience with agricultural integration and lessons for third countries in, editor(s)Schmid, E. and Vogel, S. , The Common Agricultural Policy in the 21st Century, Vienna, facultas.wuv Universitätsverlag, 2014, pp1-18 , [Alan Matthews], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Alan Matthews, Greening CAP payments: a missed opportunity?, Dublin, Institute for International and European Affairs, 2013, 14pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Michael King and Alan Matthews, Policy Coherence for Development : Indicators for Ireland, Dublin, Institute for International Integration Studies, 2012, 1, 101, Report, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Awarded Jean Monnet Chair in European Agricultural Policy by the European Commission 1999
Research interests include the behaviour of the Irish farm and food system, agricultural policy modelling, the relationships between trade, aid and food security in developing countries, and WTO trade negotiations.